Study from photo ref. I like doing studies like these
from photos from time to time to help me unwind. I find
it's not stressful and I can just focus on getting the details
and proportions correct. I'm also using this to help me improve
my concentration as I tend to get really impatient when I draw.
Hopefully these exercises help with that. I'll probably do some
work on this in color in the near future. Stay tuned :)


C.Deboda said…
Good study in foreshortening, Nitai. If I may, I would've liked to have seen a little more variety in the line weights. The outlines appear a little too solid for me which will flatten it out a bit. Lighter lines where there's a hard surface (ie. elbows, knees). There's a little bit of it there, but i think it could be pushed more. Good overlapping of shapes in the foreground leg though and pretty solid drawing overall.

Well that's my critique/suggestions...but i'm still learning too and still a student, so take it for what its worth. :)

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